Presage Development Studio

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Presage Development Studio began business in 1986 in San Rafael, California, as a developer of software. During the decade that followed, the company gained expertise in all aspects of multimedia offering development, concept design, marketing and quality assurance testing. In addition, the company outsourced its team's talents in graphics and sound design to many of the big named companies of that era. In 1999, Human Code acquired the company and it became Human Code Presage Studio. Many people stayed with the studio until 2002, when Sapient bought up the studio and ended it as well.

1st Logo (1992-1994)

Visuals: On a black background, the futuristic text "PRESAGE" can be seen, with a horizontal wine red/white gradient effect going through it. "a" in a white font can be seen above it as well. Then, "SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT" in a solid wine red color and a underline spanning the entire thing can be seen sliding in below. "production" in the same font fades in below.

Technique: 2D digital animation.

Audio: A choir can be heard when the logo fades in, as well as screeching when the sliding text stops.

Availability: Seen on Contraption Zack.

2nd Logo (July 12, 1994-2001)

Visuals: On a black background, a golden rectangular box can be seen with beveled edges and a black eye shape inside it, made from a single line and beveled on the inside. Below it, the golden text "PRESAGE", in Times New Roman, is seen spaced across the entire bottom box.


  • On their Lode Runner releases, the logo is surrounded by a rusty metal border, as well as a bunch of spare rods.
  • An animated variant has the logo flashing in from a white rectangle, with "SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT" appearing below. The logo is smaller in this variant. Some later games also used this, but still.

Technique: A still digital graphic.

Audio: None or the opening theme to the game.

Audio Variants:

  • On the original version of Mario's Game Gallery, Mario (voiced by Charles Martinet) says "Along with Presage, proudly present." over the logo following Interplay.
  • The animated variant had a mysterious sounding synth tune.

Availability: This logo's most famous appearance was on Mario's Game Gallery (The game's version 1.1, renamed to Mario's FUNdamentals, it was replaced with the Stepping Stone's logo, which is the edutainment name for Presage), but it was seen in a lot of other games. It last appeared on Creative Wonders' Arthur games (also their Russian localizations). The animated variant seemed to only have been used on Rockett's New School.

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